Sarah Bishop

 character role play

Characters   & Narrator
Sarah's Father

Text: pg.2 Para. 2

N. You would hear a whanging sound, then the bullets going overhead close.

Father  One man's doing the shooting.   It's Quarme. Jim Quarme.  He's Mr. Purdy's new mill hand. He's crazy about muskets. He got one of them yesterday, I was down at the tavern when the post came.  It was in a muslin bag, tied up fancy.  He opened it right before all of us, so every body could see.  In the bag was a brand new firelock and a big box of bullets marked Salwich, England.  That's how I know where the bullets came from.

Sarah   Why is he shooting at us?

Father   He's not shooting at us.  He's shooting in our direction.  Just to remind us

Sarah    Of what?

Father  That he owns a new fire lock.  That he's for the revolution.  That he's fot to run King George and all his men clean out of the country.  And that he knows we are against the revolution and for King George.

  Another bullet went over, no closer than the others but it seemed closer.

Questions for students: 

 How does father feel about the onset of the war?  Sarah?  the shooter?

What makes you think so?