Section 1: Neddie's Trip
(entire book)
1. Hootedñ Page 3, line 3, ìI admit I screamed a little when the train chuffed and puffed and hooted into the station, my first train ride ever.î
*Dictionary---1. Cry
of and owl 2. A cry or noise of derision
*Own Words---A loud crying
*The owl hooted loudly while
we tried to sleep
Word Card
2. Tattered ñ Page 9, line 3, ìTrees were like old men with tattered coats, and the sun pressed down on their heads.î
*Dictionary---1. A torn
piece of cloth hanging from a garment 2. Ragged or torn clothing
*Own Words---Ripped or shredded
*The skirt the bag lady wore
was tattered and dirty
3. Fierce ñ Page 9, line 7, ìHis face was so black and round and fierce, it coudíve been fired from a cannon in the war.î
*Dictionary---1. eager
to kill or injure; savage; ferocious 2. violent; raging; intense
*Own Words---Piercing
*How does the word fierce
describe the man?
4. Auction ñ Page 12, line 2, ìNegroe Auction Todayî
*Dictionary---A public sale
in which goods are sold to the highest bidder
*Own---A place where goods
and services are sold, people bid for the items
*Describe how an auction works?
5. Raw ñ Page 19, line 2, ìAddie, I couldn't wear my lace collar I felt so raw and ill.î
*Dictionary---1. Uncooked
2. In a natural state or condition 3. harsh, sharp, chilly;
bleak as of weather 4. Without covering 5. Untried,
untrained, inexperienced 6. crude; rough 7. A raw
article or condition
*Own Definition ñ not well,
under the weather, emotional drained.
*Why did Nettie feel raw?