3: Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt
1. Skirting---Page 26, Par. 5, ìWe kept on as fast as we could, skirting farms and towns and making our way through the woods.
*Dictionary---1. A garment
hanging down from the waist 2. An Apron 3. (slang)
A woman 4. Lie or pass along the border of
*Own---To move at a quick
*What was meant by the word
skirting in the book?
2. Shivering---Page 26, Par. 7, ìShivering and hungry and scared, we stood looking ahead.
*Dictionary---Tremble or quiver
with cold or fear
*Own---To shake beyond ones
own control
*The cold puppy stood shivering
in the doorway.
3. Plantation---Page 29, Par. 1, ìThe quilt is there still, at Home Plantationî.
*Dictionary---A large estate
on which cotton or sugar is cultivated.
*Own---A large home with a
great amount of land where slaves used to be common hands.
*We visited the old plantation
houses in Savannah, Georgia.
4. Underground Railroad,
Page 26
5. On Your Own