Day 1: Pages 1-14.

Discussion Director:

1) Pg. 2  Par. 1 and Pg. 3  Par 1
What could be stopping Grandma Concetta from getting to their house?  Why is she coming to Giuseppe's house?
The weather is awful and since Grandma Concetta lives on a hill it might even be harder for her to leave especially through the rain and wind.

2) What affect does rosemary have on peopleís heads?
a) It makes their hair fall out.
b) Rosemary turns their hair blond.
c) It makes bald heads grow hair.
d) It works as a good shampoo and conditioner.

3) Pg. 10 Par. 1
What did Grandma Concetta predict about Nona life?
Grandma Concetta predicted that Nona would become a strega.

4) Pg. 13 Par. 1 and 2
What does Amelia and Nona disagree about at the Academy for Stregas?
Amelia loves the city, the academyís machine and new scientific ways of doing spells but Nona misses the old ways her grandma did things and the country.

5)Pg. 14 Par. 2
Do you think Nona will still become a strega?
Yes, her grandma is going to teach her all the she needs to know to become a strega.