Passage Picker
1. p. 5, paragraph 3
ěSometime ëtis . . . black hull of the dolphin.î
Reason: Figurative Language
Question: What is being compared in this paragraph?
Answer:  Kitís spirit (enthusiasm) to whitecaps in the Harbor.
Purpose:  Desribe

2. p. 8, paragraph 6
ěThe shock . . . any assistance.î
Reason: surprising
Question:  What do you think about Kit jumping overboard?
Answer:  It was good, dangerous, insane.
Purpose:  to inform

3. p. 17, paragraph 1
ěThey were . . .  dismissed her.î
Reason: Thought provoking
Question:  Why does Nat treat her this way?
Answer:  Maybe heís scared to be associated.
Purpose:  describe

4. p. 26, paragraph 3
ě   ě