1. p. 59, last three paragraph of Ch. 5
" Did you know . . . hateful place?"
Reason: Informative to how Kit feels about
the Puritan Services
Question: Why does Kit question
coming "to this hateful place?"
Answer: She is not used to all of the religious
services that they go to and their way of life.
Purpose: Desribe and Inform
2. p. 82, paragraph 1
" Kit sat . . . laughing!"
Reason: Intriguing
Question: What was meant by Aunt Rachel
always laughing?
Answer: Aunt Rachel had been through so
much with her son dying and she still managed to be happy.
3. p. 78, paragraph 6-9
"With her cats . . . closer."
Reason: Informative
Question: Why do they think Hannah Tupper
is a witch?
Answer: She has cats and she does not go
to meeting.