Passage Picker

1. p. 139, paragraph 5-7
"But I . . . at her."
Reason: Foreshadowing
Question: What do you think will happen between John and Mercy?Why?
Answer: Answers may vary
Reason: To entertain

2. p. 145, paragraph 8
"Laughter spilled . . .wondered."
Reason: descriptive
Question: Was this scene what Kit expected? Why?
Answer: She expected  to do hard work, thought it would be boring, and thought it would be quiet.
Purpose: To inform

3. p. 146, paragraph 4
"After the . . . be possible."
Reason: Important, intriguing
Question: Why is Kit so enthralled by the Fall in Conneticutt?
Answer: They do not have the same seasons in Barabados.
Purpose: To inform

4. p. 161, paragraph 7
"Hmm . . . William positively."
Reason: Intriguing
Question: Do you think William knows anything about the charter?Why?
Purpose: To entertain