Wind Direction Activities



  1. Students will learn the primary and in-between directions.
  2. Students will learn to determine the direction from which the wind comes
  3. Students will make instruments to measure wind direction.
  4. Students will learn the importance of knowing wind direction in forecasting weather.

•read Gilberto and the Wind by Ets then go for a wind walk & write about the experience
•read Millicent and the Wind by Munsch then write on kite shapes about an adventurous windy day

•create artificial wind using a balloon to demonstrate high and low air pressure
•use hot air spirals to demonstrate the effects of hot air and wind
•make and use a wind vane to record wind direction each day for one to two weeks

•record and graph the number of days the wind blows from each direction

•make a windsock to hang outside
•make hot air spirals

Social Studies
•use U.S. maps to illustrate wind wind direction reported in the daily newspapers

•play a wind direction game in the same way you play “Simon Says”

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Copyright 2001 Shawn Hodges