Professional Developments
* Inclusion Training: Lincoln County Schools are always looking for a new and interesting way to incorporate EC students into the regular education program. Inclusion is a new teaching practice that places two teachers together to meet the need of all students. A regular and special educator collaborate together to teach lessons that will meet the needs of all students in the class. Having the experience of co-teaching allows me to view the student success rate first hand. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with creative regular educators on a daily basis.
* Dyslexia Training: I was fortunate enough to attend the annual International Dyslexia Association conference. Dr. Sally Shaywitz, author of Overcoming Dyslexia, and Dr. Bennett Shaywitz, neurologist and Co-Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention, were keynote speakers at the conference. Dr. Rebecca Felton, Dr. Bob Schlagal, and Vicki Norris were also presenters.
* CECAS Training: CECAS is the comprehensive exceptional children accountability system. Lincoln County Schools has started this year to transfer all of our exceptional children's paperwork onto this system. On March 21st, I went to UNCC for extensive training on this system. I was accompanied with my EC director, our EC SIMS worker, and two other EC staff members from the county office. I was the only teacher in the county to go and I will become the trainer for our county next year.