Model Unit for Cinderella:

Princess Furball



Model of a Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)


A. Before Reading


          Read title—What does the title suggest?


                   Why “furball”?


          Look at the front cover—Who are these people? What are they doing?


                   Notice face of furball.



B. Stop #1: pages 1-4


          On page 1, how is the princess described?


          What had her father done? (p. 3)


          What did the princess ask of her father? (p. 3)


                   3 dresses—describe them

                   coat—describe it


          Why did she ask her father this?


          (Prediction) What do you think will happen?


C. Stop #2: pages 5-18


          Why did the princess run away?


          What did she put in the 3 walnut shells? (p. 8)


          What Happened to her?


                   young King found her (p.11)

                   worked for the cook (p. 13)


          What happened at the ball?


                   put on her sun dress (p. 15)

                   danced (p. 17)

                   How did she run? (p. 17)

                   she changed back to furball


          What did Furball do in the kitchen?


                   made soup (p. 18)

                   put ring in soup (p. 18)


          Why did Furball put the ring in the soup?


          (Prediction) What do you think will happen next?



D. Stop #3: pages 19-26 


          What happened when the king ate the soup?


                   he liked it (p. 20)

                   he found the ring (p. 20)

                   he asked to speak with Furball (p. 20)


          What happened at the 2nd ball?


                   princess wore the moon dress (p. 23)

                   danced (p. 23)

                   How did she slip away (p. 25)


          What did she do in the kitchen?


                   made soup (p. 25)

                   dropped gold thimble into soup (p. 25)


          What did the king do?


                   ate soup and discovered thimble (p. 26)

                   asked to speak with Furball (p. 26)


          Why do you think Furball put the thimble into the soup?


          Why did the king ask her about it?


          (Prediction) What will happen next?


E. Stop #4: pages 27-end (p. 35)


          What was different at the 3rd ball?


                   star dress (p. 28)

                   king put ring on her finger when they danced (p. 28)

                   she kept the dress on under the fur coat (p. 29)

                   spinning wheel was added to the soup (p. 29)

                   King saw the ring on Furball’s finger (p. 31)


          Describe what happened at the end?


Do you think there was any magic in this story? If so, please give examples?


          How is Furball same/different from other Cinderellas?