Acrostic Poem


W atching

O bserving

O pining

D eciding

R esisting

O penly

W ondering


T esting

R eflecting

A djusting

T o

H elp

E veryone

N avigate the world.




Young Me



Woody, Dorothy, & Keelia


Portrait Poem

They call him Woody

Father of Keelia and master of Myste & Dimi (the dogs)

Who needs companionship, food & drink, and fun

Who loves family, friends, and the outdoors

Who sees unlimited potential in his students

Who hates ignorance, close-mindedness, and cruelty

Who fears that he may not make a difference in the world

Who dreams of travel and happiness with his wife, Dorothy

Who has found poems of children that inspire

Resident of Vilas, North Carolina






