RE 5710-375, Summer 2011

Seminar in Language Arts Research


Yadkin Center of Surry Community College, Yadkinville

RM 118 ?


Dr. Woodrow Trathen

326A EDH

828 262-6056 (office)

828 406-0514 (cell)

[email protected]

[email protected]


Course Description


This is one of the required courses for the Master’s Degree in Reading Education at Appalachian State University, and it is designed to be the capstone course for the Reading Education Master’s Degree. Students will examine, discuss, and write about current research in the Language Arts. The comprehensive exam is written in this course, part 1 and 2.


Methods of Instruction


Instruction will be seminar, small group, and individual workshop meetings. Assistance and feedback to students as they write responses to the comprehensive exam questions will be provided. Students will be expected to work individually, or in pairs to complete the comprehensive exams.




Texts assigned and used as resource material.


ASU Library: See Class Guide for Resources





Upon completion of the comprehensive exam, students will receive a grade for the course.


General Assignments & Engagement /Attendance .           .           .           .         .           05%

Comprehensive Exam Part 1 Response    .           .           .           .           .           .         30%

Comprehensive Exam Part 2 Response    .           .           .           .           .           .         65%


Course Assignments



Writing response to the Comprehensive Exam (Part 1).

You will be asked to respond in writing to a comprehensive exam question that is designed to pull together concepts you have studied and learned in our graduate program and insights you have regarding classroom application of those concepts.


Written response to the Comprehensive Exam (Part 2).

You will be asked to select a topic that you will explore in-depth. You will be expected to generate a research question and then locate research and instructional articles about your topic. You will be expected to read and critique this literature and produce a written product that demonstrates your exploration.

    • Write an annotated review of relevant literature—clear summaries and comments about the literature, with a focus on breadth.
    • You may work with partners on these reviews.


(A fully developed research paper can take the place of the written response for part 2 of the comprehensive exam. For this option you must gain approval and begin work on the project, under the guidance of a faculty advisor.)



Schedule and Topics: Course meets on Fridays from 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm and on Saturdays from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm.


Meeting 1 (CANCEL because of Graduate School graduation ceremony same night)

Frisday, May 6

Online         Yadkinville     Introduction (Check out the WebPage: )


                                                               Resources: Texts

                                                                           Read the 2 articles and the summaries (linked from the WebPage)

                                                                           On-Line Resources--see the library link and check out the sample topics



                                                                        Comprehensive Exam Part 1

                                                                                   Work on the Response on Your Own Time   


                                                                        Comprehensive Exam Part 2

                                                                                   Formulate Topics & Response Option (Begin to think about a topic)


Before Meeting 2

Propose research topic and email it to [email protected]


Meeting 2

Saturday, May 14

9:30 AM – 6:00 PM       Yadkinville     

                                                                        Comprehensive Exam Part 2

                                                                                    Topics and Exam Format

                                                                                    Approval Of Topic






         Meeting 3

         Friday, May 20

         4:30 PM – 9:30 PM         Yadkinville      Workshop: Work on Exam Part 2




Meeting 4

Saturday, May 28

9:30 AM – 6:00 PM       Yadkinville      Workshop: Work on Exam Part 2






Meeting 5

Friday, June 4

4:30 PM – 9:30 PM         Yadkinville      Workshop: Exam Part 1 and Part 2 Due: Friday, June 10



FINAL CLASS—BYE             course evaluation on-line



Exam Part 1 and 2 Due: Friday, June 10, 2011 

E-mail to [email protected]