RE 5710 Comprehensive Exam: Part #1 This part of the Comprehensive Exam is to be completed by each individual. Consider your classroom and current role in reading and language arts instruction when writing your response. Identify the teaching context (the grade level if you are a classroom teacher, professional role if you are a Title One teacher, etc.) you are considering as you respond to these questions. Describe how your current teaching is shaped by best practices in reading and language arts and how you plan to continue shaping it in the near future; in your summary, be sure to include additional resources that would enhance literacy instruction in your school. Write in the first person. Your final product should be in the neighborhood of 6-12 pp. double-spaced and turned in as an email attachment. Be as specific as you can; include clear examples, make it clear what you've learned from your classes and your experiences in our MA program. You must discuss both a and b, and choose at least 2 additional areas for discussion from c, d, e and f. Include an introduction that describes the context of your teaching. a. How will assessment fit into your program? What kinds and for what purposes? What are the specific instruments or processes you (will) use? b. What kinds of reading instruction do you (plan to) use? How will you attempt in your reading instruction to address students' needs to develop (1) comprehension and (2) fluency in reading and word recognition? How does modeling reading and strategies fit into your instruction? Where do you build in word study and spelling? How do you motivate and otherwise support student interest in independent, self-selected reading? c. What kinds of materials, technologies, and media do/will you use in your classroom and for what purposes? d. How do/will you attempt to meet the diverse levels and instructional needs of students you teach? What kinds of grouping do/will you use and for what purposes? What kinds of support for struggling students do/will you try to build into your program? Be sure to address issues related to both English Language Learners and students with identified disabilities. e. How do/will you address the language arts in your program? How do/will you teach literature, writing, author's craft, genre, and poetry in your program? f. What kinds of responses to reading and literature do/will you ask of students? What role do/will discussion and writing play in these responses?
Comprehensive Exam: Part #2 Select a topic with the assistance of your professor and classmates. Locate research and instructional articles that address your topic. Read and review this literature and write an annotated review of the relevant literature—clear summaries and comments about the literature. This should include a minimum of 6 relevant articles for individuals working alone and 8 or more articles for students working in groups--see below. Please begin this question with an introduction to the topic and why you find the topic to be important. In addition, you will include a summary statement about what trends in the studies seem important. What do these articles tell us about your topic? (2-pp.) *Note: This introduction/summary statement is to be completed individually. See below. You are invited to work in groups as you complete the annotated review component of this part of the Comprehensive Exam. Each member of your group will read at least 4 articles (include both research and instructional) and complete a narrative abstract for each article. Then, you will distribute your abstracts (reviews) to each group member; each of you will have a total of at least 8 narrative abstracts—assuming 2 members to a group. For groups of 3, you will review 12 articles, groups of 4 will review 16 articles, and groups of 5 will review 20 articles. *From these abstracts, each individual will write an introduction and summary (2-pp.) statement about what trends in the studies seem important. What do these articles tell us about your topic? How will your analysis influence your teaching?