Assignment for RE 3030
Sustained Silent
I encourage you to engage in the
wonderful activity of reading. As a teacher you should find time
in your classroom to either read to your students or just let them read. You will learn in class
that a key to successful reading is having the skill to read fluently. The
single best way to increase reading fluency is to read a lot. So this is very
much an instructional activity.
As a teacher, you need to practice and model this skill, so now is the time to begin the process of reading as much children's literature as you can.
So, in our class I will ask you to explore books. From time to time, I will provide you with selections. If you get into a
book and want to check it out, or check out another one, you may do that. There will be a sign up list for books you want to borrow.
As you read books, I want you
to keep a log of what books you read by jotting down key information:
Date of
Also, comment on
what level the book is (what grade level)
What it is about
What you might be
able to do with it in a class: for example what themes could be covered, or what
content would link to the book. Is it a read aloud?
Once a week you will post one of these book reviews on your blog, or if you like you may create a page on your blog for all of your reviews. This choice will be up to you; the requirement for this assignment is that you post (on your blog) at least one of these reviews each week we have class during the semester--a minimum of 12 reviews on your blog. These reviews will serve as a resource for you that you can use when teaching.
Please enjoy this assignment
and get excited about books!