The Writing Process


Steps in the writing process include:


PREWRITING (The preparation for writing)

o       Topic Selection

o       Brainstorming

·        Planning

o       Brainstorming

o       Clustering

o       Free Writing

o       Mapping

·        Rehearsing (Mentally/then Orally compose the writing)


COMPOSING/DRAFTING (The writer begins to create the piece)

o       Focus on Audience


REVISING (Reconsiders and alters what is written)

o       Does the piece say what I want it to?

o       Will the audience understand it?

o       Is it interesting?

o       What might I do to make it more interesting?

o       Did I give enough details or examples?

o       Does it sound right?

o       Did I use strong word choice-verbs and descriptive words?


EDITING (The search for spelling or mechanical errors)


o       Is my story clear? Will readers be able to understand it?

o       Did I write in complete sentences?

o       Did I capitalize the first word of every sentence?

o       Did I capitalize the names of people, cities, towns, and other places?

o       Did I end each sentence with a period, question mark, or exclamation point?

o       Did I spell all the words correctly?


PUBLISHING (The author makes his/her work PUBLIC)

o       Class Book

o       Internet

o       Author’s Chair


CONFERENCING (Between students and teacher or among students-
fosters the development of one or more aspects of the writing process)

o       Teacher/student conferences

o       Peer Conferences

o       Author’s Circle