Appalachian State University

FALL 2006



Dr. Woodrow Trathen                                               email:  [email protected]       

326A Edwin Duncan Hall
828-262-6056 (Office)                                             828-406-0514 (Cell)


Class Meetings

Mondays & Wednesdays      3:00-4:50 PM           Edwin Duncan Hall  01A


Office Hours

Monday & Wednesday 12:00-2:30 PM

Tuesday & Thursday 10:30-11:50 AM

By Appointment


Course Description

RE 3030 focuses on early reading and writing development (K-3). Students will explore critical issues of literacy acquisition, assessment, instruction, and intervention. Special attention will be given to effective methods for reading, writing, and word knowledge instruction, including materials, strategies, and organization to meet the needs of all learners. Selected assessment and instructional activities will be designed for implementation with elementary students during field placement experiences.


Course Overview

Beginning readers and writers need to develop an understanding of the alphabetic principle (in order to decode words) and begin to use their knowledge of how letters represent sounds and how those letters and sounds make up words. Through focused word study and shared, guided, and independent reading and writing, they build an understanding about written language and develop their print processing skills. This is the foundation for using literacy—reading and writing—to learn. As students solidify their print processing skills (decoding accurately and automatically) and make meaning from the text, they become more proficient readers. The focus of this course is the instruction that helps students build these foundations of literacy. For typical students learning to read takes place in grades K through 2. When most students reach grades 3 though 6, they are ready to focus their attention on using reading as a tool to learn information. The texts they read include both fiction and non-fiction.


How do you assess students’ literacy development? How can you support students in their efforts to understand what reading is and how language is used to convey meaning? What kinds of assignments do you create that will assist students as they attempt to unlock the code between written and spoken language? How do you determine the appropriate instructional-level material that students should be reading?


This course is designed to help you begin developing answers to these questions, and, through a field placement, to try out instructional methods with students. It is also an opportunity for you to participate in a social constructivist learning environment—a setting in which the primary focus is individual and collaborative student effort to construct meaning from texts.


Course Objectives

  • Work as members of a community of learners who care about and enjoy our collaboration
  • Become familiar with theoretical and practical issues related to oral and written language development
  • Build an understanding of the practical applications and classroom teaching methods that facilitate reading, writing, and word knowledge growth
  • Build an awareness of effective practices in literacy assessment and instruction for primary grade students
  • Build a deeper understanding of the kinds of texts that students in grades K through 3 are expected to read
  • Become familiar with the kinds of teacher and student resources used to teach reading/language arts
  • Become familiar with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for English/Language Arts, and North Carolina writing assessments.



BooksPurchase at Black Bear Books



Darrell Morris & Robert E. Slavin (2003). Every Child Reading. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.


Arnold Lobel (1971). Frog and Toad Together. Harper Trophy


Jon Scieszka & Lane Smith (1989). The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Penguin.


James Marshall (1998). Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Puffin Books (Paperback)


Mary Pope Osborne & Sal Murdocca (1998). Polar Bears Past Bedtime (Magic Tree House 12). Random House.


Coursepack:  SOS Printing (Next to Fat Cats Video and Mellow Mushroom)


Recommended: (

Darrell Morris (2005). The Howard Street tutoring manual: Teaching at-risk readers in the primary grades. New York: Guilford.


Donald R. Bear, Marcia Invernizzi, Shane R. Templeton, & Francine Johnston (2003). Words Their Way, Third Edition. Prentice Hall.



Course website: Additional readings and resources will be made available through our class website:

Reading Resources

North Carolina Standard Course of Study: (on-line)

See English/Language Arts

Also, language arts resources




Attendance, Disposition and Participation: The expectations for this class are identical to those of your future school employers. Tardiness is unacceptable. Attendance is expected for all classes in block and all days in field placement. If for some reason you are unable to make it to class, you must notify me prior to class (however, note grading policy below). The learning that I expect for you in this course (understanding, clarifying, testing, and justifying ideas) depends largely on your attendance and active participation. In addition, this class will involve much student participation, and it is particularly important that you come prepared for class by completing readings and other assignments prior to class. You cannot participate if you are not here and if you are not prepared. Each of you is responsible for developing a professional disposition. The professional disposition I would like you to present is one where you are excited and enthusiastic about teaching reading/language arts, where you complete every assignment to the best of your abilities, where you are engaged in class activities and discussions, and where you are in class (every class) on time and ready to work. To this end, in my grading system 2 times tardy is equivalent to 1 time absent. More than 1 time absent will reduce your grade: 1 letter grade for each absence.


Ethics: Again, the expectations for this class are identical to those of your future school employers. You are entering a profession in which you will serve as a model for children’s beliefs and behaviors. Parents will trust their children’s safety, health, education, and happiness to you each school year. You must, therefore, hold yourself to the highest standards of academic and personal integrity. Please review the Appalachian State University Academic Integrity Code

( ).


Academic honesty and integrity are expected of all students. Any work that you or your team submits must be your own work. Any ideas, information, approaches, images, or formats that you use based on the work of others must be acknowledged by citing the appropriate sources.


Professional behavior expectations of our community of learners: As will be expected of you as an employed teacher, your most considerate, professional behavior is expected at all times. That is, beyond attending every class, every field placement day, arriving promptly, and being prepared, consider the impact of your behavior on others’ learning. Cell phones and other potential annoyances should be left at the door or disabled. If you have an idea or a question, share it. If you need clarification ask for it. If you disagree with my views or those of classmates, challenge the ideas not the person. Be a good listener. Be an active contributor, but leave your competitive juices at the door and work hard to be a good colleague to me and to your classmates. Class work and lifework beyond the focus of any given class meeting should be put on hold during class. If you have any individual needs requiring instructional accommodation, please talk to me as soon as possible to assist my ability to work with you. Please feel welcome to discuss with me concerns you have about class, block, and school. I am here to assist your learning.






Due Dates


1.  Attendance, Disposition, Participation

          In-Class Assignments




2.  Text Talk Lesson Presentation


To Be Scheduled


3.  Planned Lessons

o             Text Talk

o             DRTA

o             Literature Circle Roles



September 6, 2006

September 25, 2006

October 9, 2006


4.      Knowledge Exams

o       Mid-term

o       Final



October 16, 2006

December 4, 2006


5.  Lesson Portfolio
 and Internship Reflection

o       Text Talk

o       DRTA

o       Literature Circle Roles


November 27, 2006


6.  Literacy Assessment and Instructional Interpretation *

            Data Collected

            Entered into TaskStream





November 15, 2006

November 29, 2006

Note: * Indicates an assignment that will be placed on TaskStream and will be part of the student portfolio


Grading Criteria

Most assignments will be graded on a three-point scale—exception being the exams. Rubrics will be provided. Major assignments in class and the planned lessons may be redone if first drafts receive less than a 3. These redone assignments will be turned in as part of the Lesson Portfolio and will include the original assignment as well as the revised version of the assignment.

Criteria for the final class grade are:

A         (a) 3 on each major assignment; 

            (b) A average on exams

(c) Late to class (or early departure from class) no more than once;

            (d) No unexcused absences.

B         (a) 2.5 on each major assignment; 

            (b) B+ average on exams

(c) Late to class (or early departure from class) no more than once;

            (d) No unexcused absences.

        (a) At least 2 on all major projects; 

            (b) B- average on exams

            (c) Late to class (or early departure from class) no more than twice;

(d) 1 or fewer excused absences from practicum and 1 or fewer unexcused absences from class. You and I will meet to discuss your future in the program and the profession.

        Either (a) failure to achieve any one of the criteria a-d for a C, or (b) 3 class absences. You and I will meet to discuss your future in the program and the profession.

         Either (a) failure to achieve any two of criteria a-d for a C, or (b) 4 or more class absences. You and I will meet to discuss your future in the program and the profession.

See the Daily Plans for a more detailed, day-by-day plan of activities.


Important Dates:







August 23

First Day of Class


August 28

Day 2


August 30

Day 3


September 4


Holiday No Class



September 6


Day 4

Text Talk Lesson


September 11

Day 5


September 13

Day 6


September 18

Day 7


September 20

Day 8


September 25


Day 9

DRTA Lesson



September 27

Day 10


October 2

Day 11


October 4

Day 12


October 9


Day 13

Literature Circle Roles



October 11

Day 14


October 16


Day 15

Midterm Exam



October 18

Day 16

Fall Break Follows

October 23


Internship Day 1



October 25


Internship Day 2


October 30


Day 17

Back for workday


November 1


Internship Day 3


November 6


Internship Day 4



November 8


Internship Day 5


November 13


Internship Day 6



November 15


Internship Day 7

Assessment Data Collected

November 20


Internship Day 8

Last Day Internship


November 22


Holiday No Class


November 27



Day 18

Lesson Portfolio Due

Internship Reflection


November 29


Day 19

Assessment Due


December 4


Day 20

Last Day Class

Final Exam Due


December 6


Reading Day

No Class


Your instruction and experiences in this course will help you begin to meet several of the North Carolina Department of Instruction (NCDPI) standards for elementary education teachers.



NCDPI Standards and Indicators


Standard 1: Elementary teachers have a broad knowledge and understanding of the major concepts in English Language Arts and Literacy.



Indicator 1: Teachers know the developmental stages of language acquisition.



Indicator 2: Teachers know and understand influences on dialect.



Indicator 3: Teachers know and understand a diverse range of historical and contemporary literatures, including various genres of American, British, and World, as well as literatures written by women and authors of colors and works written for children and young adults.



Indicator 4: Teachers understand the elementary school child’s social, cultural, linguistic, cognitive, and affective backgrounds as they relate to the ability to develop effective communication processes (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).



Indicator 5: Teachers know and understand that reading is taught as a process of constructing meaning through the interaction of the reader’s existing knowledge, the information suggested by the written language, and the context of the reading situation.



Indicator 6: Teachers understand the importance of literacy for personal and social growth.



Indicator 7: Teachers know and understand that the English language continually changes.



Indicator 8: Teachers know and understand written and oral composition processes. They understand:


˜ The written language as a symbolic system.


˜ The phonemic, morphemic, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic systems of language and their relation to the reading and writing process.


˜ The importance of teaching grammar and usage in context.


Standard 7: Elementary teachers use developmentally appropriate strategies to design and deliver instruction in all areas of the elementary curriculum.



Indicator 1: Teachers develop and implement the pacing and alignment of curriculum that is consistent with the NC SCOS, LEA standards and pacing guides, and national standards in all subject areas.



Indicator 3: Teachers promote new learning by using students’ prior knowledge, misconceptions, and interests when designing lessons.



Indicator 4: Teachers implement a variety of teaching and communication strategies for instruction.



Indicator 6: Teachers modify instruction and assessments to meet the needs of individual students.



Indicator 7: Teachers develop and use a variety of formal and alternative assessment strategies as an integral part of instruction and learning appropriate for assessing individual, peer, team, and collaborative skills.




Standard 8: Teachers design instructional programs and strategies that build on students’ experiences and existing language skills to help students become competent, effective users of language.



Indicator 1: Teachers teach children to read with a balanced instructional program that includes an emphasis on the use of letter/sound relationships (phonics), context (semantic and syntactic), and text that has meaning for students.



Indicator 2: Teachers help students use a variety of strategies to monitor their own reading comprehension.



Indicator 3: Teachers guide and encourage students to think critically about what they write and read.



Indicator 4: Teachers encourage students’ enjoyment of reading.



Indicator 5: Teachers provide students opportunities to explore the use of different genres of writing and speaking to a variety of audiences. 



Indicator 6: Teachers model Standard English.