Student Challenge

    This must be your lucky day: you have been offered a seat in The Inventors Club. There is only one problem,
you are not an inventor,(yet) but you really want to be part of this club.  So you are surfing the web on inventors
and you come upon this site that explains "How to Become a New Inventor in Less Than a Day!"  Although you
are not one to take shortcuts, this is important.

                 New Inventors Site

    Welcome to the New Inventor's Site!!! Have you ever wanted to become an inventor, but you just don't have the time or right materials?  Someone has heard your plight.  It has now become legal (a loophole in the copyright laws) to take old products invented by someone else and use them as your own.  The catch is that you must name it something else as well as invent a new use for the old product.  Instead of turning your invention into the copyright office you must make a website, and mail, fax, or call your website name into the Inventor's club office, by the deadline shown on your invitation.  See the coordinator for the websites (your teacher) for a list of old products that can be "remade" into new inventions.

 *Because this is a learning experience, you can make the article serious, or it can be a little bit ridiculous.  If you are
having trouble comprehending this assignment, or just want to look at a completed web site on this project click here.