Teacher Page


Allow students to come up with a new use for an common object they already use.
a variety of different objects Adobe Photoshop, Netscape Composer a disk per child digital cameras
• have about 15 or so objects pre selected out on the floor for the students to see.
• place the students into groups of about 3 or 4.
• have each group choose which object they would like to use for the project.
• once every group has an object allow them to recall what the object is currently used for and to brainstorm together ideas in which they could use the object in another way.
• have each group then take a digital camera and take pictures of their object, with or without them.
• explain once they return that they will now write a newspaper article explaining their new invention to others in the community on their own.
• students would then place the pictures from Adobe Photoshop into the article itself.
• students will be creating a web page using the Netscape Composer. Have the students also include their email address for feedback from you.
Suggestions: Something may occur with your school not having enough computers for every child and therefore you could have the article and web page be done as a group rather than on an individual basis.
Rough draft:
was the article creative? Was it in newspaper format? Did it explain the invention in detail? Was it informative, interesting, and convincing enough to buy the product?
Final draft:
was it placed onto the web page? Was it completed on time? Was it grammatically correct? Was it easy to understand and read?
Web page:
was it done correctly? Did the links work? Did it contain all the components it was supposed to? Were the pictures the right size?
Language arts: competency goal 3
Information skills: competency goal 3 and 5
Computer skills: competency goal 1, 2, and 3

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