This is a great activity to integrate creative writing with technology.  Students will be required to use their creative writing skills to write a newspaper article on an invention they create out of ordinary objects.  Students will integrate technology by using the digital camera to take pictures and creating a web page.  Their web page will include their article along with the pictures they took.

   1.  Digital Cameras
    2.  Zip and floppy disks, one per child.
    3.  Miscellaneous Objects.  (Enough objects for each child to have one object each and extras left over.)

    Before class place the items on the table and allow the children to each pick out one item.  You may have students work alone or in groups.  Tell the students that they are becoming inventors and journalist for the day.  Their job is to create a new name and use for their item.  Have them write down a description of that invention along with its use, inventor, and any other important information.  Show the students the correct way to use the digital cameral and allow them to take pictures.  They should take pictures of the item, the item in use, and any other pictures they might incorporate into their project.  Make sure they save the pictures to the disk.  Have the students access the Student Page for the specific directions.   Go around the classroom and make sure the students are thinking about alternative ways to use their item.  If the students seem to be having trouble point out the help links on their instructions page.  They should write a news article about the item including their pictures.  All of this will be put onto a web site; which will be printed and saved to their disks.  REMIND THEM TO SAVE THEIR WORK OFTEN.
    You should familiarize yourself with Adobe Photoshop before starting this lesson so that you may be able to assist your students.  (Here is a page with a few tips on it. Adobe.)  ALSO IT IS IMPORTANT TO ACCESS AND READ THE STUDENT AND EXAMPLE LINK, SO THAT YOU WILL BE FAMILIAR WITH WHAT IS EXPECTED OF THE STUDENTS.  Once students have turned their work in grade and email feedback to the students.  Have the students email responses to your feedback and correct their projects.  Then add the student's projects to your class web page to allow the students to have access to each other's work.

This activity meets the following North Carolina State Competencies for the Fifth Grade:

Language Arts
   1.  The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.
    2.  The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.
    3.  The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.
    5.  The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.

Computer/Technology Skills
    2.  The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies.

Informational Skills
    1.  The learner will EXPLORE sources and formats for reading, listening, and viewing purposes.
    4.  The learner will EXPLORE and USE research processes to meet information needs.
    5.  The learner will COMMUNICATE reading, listening, and viewing experiences.

For other grade levels go to the NC Department of Public Instruction.

Rough Draft    20 points
Is it organized like a newspaper article or an advertisement?   Is it creative?
Is it informative?    Does it persuade you to buy the product?  Did they follow directions?
Is the main idea clear?     Are the facts clear or are you left to fill in the blanks.

Final Draft    40 points
Is the document grammatically correct?  (Spelling errors, punctuation, etc.)
Does the article make sense and have fluency?  Is it word processed?   Detailed and creative?

Web Page   60 points
Pictures that are the correct size
Easy to use?     Do the links work?      Do the pictures show up clearly?
Documentation?     Email address included?     Are the pictures a reasonable size?

Total    120 points


North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. NC Department of Public Instruction. http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/curriculum/.  January 20, 2002.

Goodman, Jeff, 2002.  Modern Fashion and Invention.  http://www.ltl.appstate.edu/436/block/media/fashioninvention/fashioninvention.html. January 20, 2002.

Goodman, Jeff, 2002. Jeff's Hints for Using Netscape Communicator.  http://www.ced.appstate.edu/~goodmanj/activities/storypictures/netscapehints.html.  January 20, 2002.

Goodman, Jeff, 2002.  Adjusting Image Size Using Adobe Photoshop.  http://www.ced.appstate.edu/~goodmanj/activities/storypictures/resizing.html.  January 20, 2002.