Inventors America

Today we are going to create a web page using the internet and digital images to showcase a fictional inventor’s news article for a bi-monthly magazine for professional and ameatur inventors named "Invention America"

See the process step-by-step
See the grading rubric

Step 1:
    Make up your invention as a group.  Use the objects in the front of the room.  You can use one object or a combination of objects.  Your invention should reflect your extremely creative imagination!  Invent something that you know people need or would want but that doesn't exist (yet!).  See the example page for ideas.  Your group needs to "invent"


Step 2:
    Letting everyone in your group take a turn, take as many digital pictures as there are people in your group.  As a group, choose atleast 2 and no more than 4 digital images that you want to appear in your article.


Step 3:
    Practice as a group with the teacher's instructions for netscape and adobe.  Click on the links if you need extra help.
Step 4:
    At your own computer:

Step 5:
    Put your web page up on the web!!!  Click here for help.
Grading Rubric
You will be graded on a scale of 0-5.
These are the possible characteristics that would give you these various grades.
0 1 2 3 4 5
You did not attempt the assignment or your web page does not contain an invention.  You did not participate in group work.  You do not understand Adobe or Netscape Navigator. You attempted the assignment, but both your digital pictures or your article are missing.  There are many gramatical and spelling errors in your article.  No sources are cited.  You have not identified your invention, your inventor or his/her history.  There is no web link.  You did not participate in group work.  You do not understand Adobe or Netscape Navigator. You attempted the assignment, you have at least one digital image and part of an article.  There are many gramatical and spelling errors in your article.  You are missing required information in your article and there is no web link.  You contributed to group work by appearing and copying down all their ideas.  You aren't sure how to use Netscape Navigator or Adobe. You attempted the assignment.  You have both digital images and you have completed the article.  The article includes most of the required information.  Your article has gramatical and spelling errors.  You cited most of your web sources.  You aren't sure how to use Netscape Navigator or Adobe. Your assignment has at least two digital images.  Your article is complete and includes all the required information including at least one web link.  You contributed to your group's ideas.  You cited all your web sources.  You have an adequate grasp on Netscape Navigator and Adobe.  You have at least two digital images and an error free article that includes at least one web link.  Your article details the history and invention of the inventor.  You have cited all your web pictures and sources.  You have at least one picture from the web.  You contributed heavily to your group's brainstorming effort and you were pleasant to work with.  You have demonstrated that you understand Netscape Navigator and Adobe.  Your web page is up on the internet.

Master Page Teacher Page Student Page Example Page