Name: Kristy Familar
Grade:  Second - fourth

Materials:  Shrek!  by William Steig, the movie Shrek, other children’s books that have been made into movies

1.  To compare and contrast the book and the movie of “Shrek.”
2. To discuss why a movie might be so different than the book.
3. To talk about the beginning, middle, and end of the book and movie.

North Carolina Standard Course of Study (Information Skills):
1.05 Demonstrate sense of story
2.05 Recognize the power of media to influence.
3.05 Describe how information and ideas are influenced by prior knowledge and personal experience.
5.01 Respond to reading, listening, viewing experiences orally, artistically, dramatically, through various formats.

Launch:  Tell students that many movies that we like to watch are based on books.  Ask them to think of some of their favorite movies.  Although some will not be based on books, some will.  For example:
Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Thomas the Tank Engine Arthur
The Three Musketeers Black Beauty  Lassie
Any Disney Movie: Cinderella Tarzan Aladdin Snow White  The Princess Bride Heidi
Legend of Sleepy Hollow  Denise the Menace Old Yeller
Stuart Little The Borrowers Hans Christian Anderson
A Christmas Carol  Swiss Family Robinson   Prince of Egypt
Romeo and Juliet Charlotte’s Web Tom Sawyer
Huck Finn Treasure Island Wizard of Oz
Clifford Harry Potter Lord of the Rings
...and Shrek.  The movie Shrek is based on a book by William Steig.  Talk a little about Steig and some other books he has written.  (If time allows, do an author study on Steig and read several of his books so the students can understand that he would not write anything like the movie version of Shrek.)

Explore:  Read the book Shrek! to the students.  It is important to mention to those who have already seen the movie not to tell the other students how it ends.  It is also important to tell them not to compare the movie to the book quite yet.  Have students sum up the story emphasizing beginning, middle, and end.  Then show the movie.  Allow enough time after the movie to discuss what they saw.  While watching the movie, tell them to think about the beginning, middle, and end and how it is different from the book.

Summary:  After the movie talk about all the things mentioned above as a large group.  For homework, assign a paper at least one page long comparing the two sources.  Ask them to include in their paper why they think movies change the book so much.

Assessment:  Paper – discussion

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