Student Page

~Have you ever had the greatest idea, and you just wanted to say that you did it?  Well, you can be an inventor today!  From the group of funny objects that your teacher gave you, you can choose just one of those. I know that they all look like so much fun.  Then you get to make up any idea that you want that tells us what your object does.  Click here to see an example.   You can be as creative as you want, and let your imaginations run wild!


1.  Choose a funny object from your teacher.

2.  Sit down with your group and brainstorm a list of all the funny or useful things that your object could be used for.

3.  Take one digital camera for your group (make sure your teacher has taught you how to use them first!).

4.  Take some great action pictures of your object at work.

5.  Using Adobe Photoshop (your teacher should have already taught you how to use it), open your picture and fiddle with it as much as you want!  You can crop it, make it bigger, or brighter, or whatever you want!  Don't forget to save your work to your Zip disk!

6. With your group, write a paragraph explaining what your invention is and what it does.  Try to make it the funniest and most creative in the class!

7.  When your teacher has taught you how to use Netscape Composer, put your picture in a new web page and start typing up your description of your invention.

8.  Ask your teacher for more help if you want to change colors or add a picture.  Just remember...
let your imagination run WILD!!

    *This is how you will get your grade:
0-1 point  (Not very good)
2-3 points (Okay)
 4-5 points (Good Job!)
 You did not do a good job of working with your group, did not add any of your ideas, and did not complete your assignment.
You did not help your group out that much, and did not give any of your ideas.  You worked well with your group. You did complete your assignment.  
You did a wonderful job working with your group.  You gave some good ideas.  You completed your assignment.

Teacher Page
Example Page
Master Page