This is our block class
The one on the left is me!

January 13, 2001

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Hi, my name is Derek Compton and I am a student at Appalachian
State University.  I am an education major there and I am going
to be graduating next December.  This semester I am in block.  It's
pre-service training that all elementary education majors have to
go through before they become teachers.  I am going to be
helping out at Mabel Elementary School once a week.  In the middle of
February, I will be there full time (every school day) until
May 1.  I have been placed to work with Mr. Hiatt's
fourth grade class.  I will be working with your child
and helping Mr. Hiatt and Mr. Rogowski teach lessons.  I am
very excited to have this oppurtunity to work with your child.  I
look forward to helping all of the students learn as I am learning
from them as well.  If you have any questions, please call me or
email me.

Michael Derek Compton

[email protected]
