Character Sketcher:
Your job is to sketch Miss Carpenter
Discussion Director:
Your job is to ask at least 5 questions, the
answers to your questions, and the page number and paragraph number where
the answers are found (if possible). Be
sure you ask questions that really make your
group think!!! You need to ask the following types of questions:
2 Thinking questions
1 Setting question
1 Compare/Contrast question
1 Mood question
Your job is to pick out 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 descriptive
1 important
1 surprising
1 of your choice
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following 5 words:
intricately p.85 par.1
flask p.95 par.8
precautions p.97 par. 10
genuinely p.103 par.7
mourning p.105 last line
Your job is to think of ways your personal experiences connect to the events or themes apprearing in this section. You must lead a discussion of these items.