1. Scattered, p.10 par. 6
2. Annie was shining her flashlight on the books scattered about.
3. verb-- I think the word means the books were not in an orderly fashion.
4. scattered-- object that are thrown about an area
5. this word gives better insight to the setting. it helps the reader visualize the inside of the tree house.
1. shuddered, p. 11 par. 3
2. Jack shuddered. of course he remembered! how could anyone forget seeing a real live tyrannosaurus rex?
3. verb--to tighten up with fear
4. shuddered--briefly tremble from something that makes you uncomfortable
5. this word lets the reader know that on that particular adventure, jack had uncomfortable moments.
word wizard card
1. loomed, p. 14 par 1
2. a huge castle loomed out of the fog.
3. verb. to peek out
4. loomed--an object that appears big and is not clearly noticable
5. this word adds mystery and excitement to the castle.
word wizard card
1. fanfares, p. 22 par. 7
2. fanfares were played to announce different dishes in a feast.
3. noun. type of instrument
4. fanfares--introduction of something with trumpets
5. using the fanfares helps the reader visualize the feast and the importance of each food being served.