Copyright 2005 Your Name, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

North Carolina DPI & NCATE Standards


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                                                       STANDARDS FOR THE MASTER'S DEGREE LICENSE


 Teachers granted the master's degree license are expected to have demonstrated the following knowledge, skills, and dispositions which are derived from research findings, reports of best practice, and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.


A.   Instructional Expertise 

The candidate demonstrates instructional expertise by applying the theoretical, philosophical, and research bases for educational practice in P-12 settings to improve student learning.


1.       The candidate plans, implements, and evaluates instruction that is rigorous, coherent, and consistent with a well-developed theoretical and philosophical base and best practices emerging from educational research.

2.       The candidate designs and modifies instruction and learning environments based on assessment of student learning problems and successes.

3.       The candidate monitors the effects of instructional actions, selection of materials, and other instructional decisions on students’ learning and behavior.

4.       The candidate incorporates findings from educational literature into school and classroom strategies to improve student learning.

5.       The candidate understands and links subject matter and students’ developmental and diverse needs in the context of school settings.

6.       The candidate uses technology to create learning environments that support students’ learning.

7.       The candidate seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting.

8.       The candidate demonstrates the ability to integrate literacy across the curriculum.


B.  Knowledge of Learners 

The candidate incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning styles, and strategies for evaluating learning into the planning, delivery, and evaluation of instruction.


1.       The candidate seeks to increase understanding of and respect for differences in students, including exceptionalities.

2.       The candidate designs and delivers instruction that is responsive to differences among all learners.

3.       The candidate reflects on and modifies instruction that fosters student learning.

4.       The candidate understands and respects differences between the learning behaviors and outcomes expected in diverse communities.

5.       The candidate creates and maintains a classroom environment conducive to learning in which all learners feel welcome and can be successful.


C. Research

The candidate uses research to examine and improve instructional effectiveness and student achievement.


1.       The candidate critically reads and applies historical and contemporary educational literature, including theoretical, philosophical, and research materials.

2.       The candidate uses student and school performance data to improve student learning, classroom processes, and school practices.

3.       The candidate investigates educational problems through action research. 



D.  Content Knowledge

The candidate demonstrates advanced depth and breadth of knowledge and skills in the academic discipline and in education. 


1.       The candidate analyzes and articulates relationships between and among theory, philosophy, research findings, and current practice as appropriate to the discipline.

2.       The candidate analyzes and articulates relationships between and among theory, philosophy, research findings, and current practice across disciplines.

3.       The candidate demonstrates theoretical and applied advanced content knowledge.

4.       The candidate understands current knowledge and trends in education.


E.  Professional Development and Leadership


The candidate engages in continued professional development and provides leadership at the classroom, school, and community levels, and within the profession. 


1.       The candidate initiates professional inquiry though reading, dialogue, reflection, professional development, and action research.

2.       The candidate seeks, evaluates, and as appropriate, acts on input from educators, parents, students, and other members of the community for continuous improvement.

3.       The candidate participates, formally and informally, in appropriate professional communities.

4.       The candidate participates in collaborative leadership to address educational problems.

5.       The candidate provides leadership in working with parents and strengthening the home-school partnership.