Have you ever found that “perfect” guy or girl to only discover that he or she is an alien? Are you tired of going on dates with people who you end up detesting? Well the Perfect Date Company has developed a device that will solve all of your dating woes. Introducing the one and the only Alien/Hot Date Locator! The Alien/Hot Date Locator, also known as an A/HDL for short, is extremely easy to use. Simply point the A/HDL in the direction of the person of desire and observe the reading on the compatibility meter.
The first thing you must find out about your potential mate is whether or not that person happens to be an alien. In the pictures above we will see Jessica using the A/HDL and locating an alien. Jessica is highly attracted to blue collar workers, so it is natural that she immediately tested her A/HDL on a construction worker. Jessica got close enough to her targeted man to be in the range of the A/HDL’s tracking system, without letting him realize that she liked what she saw. Unfortunately the A/HDL’s compatibility meter showed Jessica that her potential lover was indeed an alien. When the meter's arrow is pointing straight down the A/HDL has discovered an alien. Jessica's heart was shattered into minuscule pieces by the discovery, but at least the A/HDL saved her from a horrific evening with an alien.
will now show you how the A/HDL saved Victoria from a miserable evening
with a young man that she would not appreciate dating. Victoria saw an
impressive specimen of the male gender walking through campus (who surprisingly
looks a lot like me). She sprinted to him to try out the A/HDL in hopes
that it will have a spectacular reading. Victoria pointed the A/HDL and
looked at the reading. To Victoria's dismay the meter showed a negative
compatibility with the stunning red-head. When the meter is pointing to
the left a negative compatibility has been detected.
Finally, we will see a successful relationship derive from the findings of the A/HDL. Bess spotted a young man on campus whose magnificent appearance drew her to him in the same fashion that opposite poles on a magnet are drawn together. She held the A/HDL towards the man and she apprehensively looked at the reading of the compatibility meter. Bess was utterly astonished when the meter gave her dream man a 100% compatibility rating. She knew this was the rating since the meter was pointing to the right. Bess and her new acquaintance, Demetrius, began their courtship that Friday night. They are now happily married and they accredit their incredible relationship fully to the A/HDL!
The A/HDL is not available in stores. You may think a device like the A/HDL would sell for hundreds, even thousands of dollars. However, for this introductory offer, you can receive your own A/HDL for only 3 simple payments of $49.99. But wait, there is more! When you call within the next 20 minutes you will also receive a fashionable leather satchel to carry your A/HDL. A forty dollar value that will be yours for free, if you call now!
Call 1-800-555-AHDL to receive
your very own A/HDL.
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