ETSI Advanced Competency Collection
Jenifer Frye
Reich College of Education
Appalachian State University
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Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


Media Literacy Project

Product Persuasion
This project is geared for both fifth and sixth graders.  For the fifth 
graders, they will be focusing on descriptive writing as they write a 
letter to an advertising company describing what type of product they have created and how they want it advertised.(11.4) The sixth grade 
focuses on clarification writing as they pose as the advertisement 
company and try to create using technology based tools such as 
graphics (11.3) a billboard from the descriptive letters that the fifth 
graders have written. After all the billboards were made, we placed 
them on a  bulletin board, to show their creativity. The teacher uses 
The television to show different video clips taken with a digital 
camera(11.2) of bill boards around the town, and of interviews with 
people on what types of billboards are most appealing to them.(10.2)
We will also watch cable television to view forms of product 
advertisement to what is most appealing.(12.6) With this web page, I 
developed a list of links to URL's that correlated to the topic of 
media literacy, as well as is available to other teachers via the internet. (10.3)