Amanda Schwartz, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


 Artifact 8
This is an inquiry project on learners with cognitive special needs such as giftedness, dyslexia, and aphasia.

I completed this assignment in a cooperative group of three over a period of several weeks during the block semester in spring 2001. After much research, we shared our findings with the rest of our class in an hour-long presentation.

This project gave me an opportunity to extensively research an area of special needs in order to better inform myself about the diverse learners I will have the privilege of teaching in the future.  I gained an in-depth understanding of certain learning disorders and giftedness and the respective curriculum adjustments that must be made for each.  In addition, I became familiar with several teacher resources for these special needs that will be useful for me and for my students.

Part of the research I did for this project entailed the services that children with cognitive special needs require.  I used the Internet to locate information on these services and how they are acquired and included it in our presentation (Tech. Competency 13.4).  I also focused on various teaching strategies for special needs learners, including academically gifted students. One that I plan to use is an independent study video project on a topic of the students' choosing (Tech. Competency 13.2).  In gathering my information for this project, I used a variety of sources. In addition to the Internet and books, my group interviewed special education majors and obtained materials from professors and educational organizations.  I also interviewed my own third grade teacher about GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) and received a packet of instructional ideas from her in the mail.  This demonstrates my ability and willingness to foster relationships with fellow teachers and other members of the community in order to further myself as a teacher and therefore better support my students (INTASC #10).