Katie Hyatt, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Name:  This Inquiry Project is the result of a group study on cognitive factors of education including AIG and learning disabled children, 504 and IEP plans.

Context:  The Inquiry project was created at Appalachian State University in the Spring semester of 2002 in a class as a part of my Elementary Education Block CI 4000 class.

Impact:  The purpose of this Inquiry Project was to make me, a prospective teacher, more aware of the general characteristics of Academically Intellectually Gifted students and students with cognitive disorders such as Dyslexia and Autism and to familiarize me with school plans for helping those children achieve their academic potential. 

Alignment: To present my portion of the cognitive facet of education; the 504 plan and the topic of Autism, I used book and Internet resources such as the Autism Society of America website (Tech. Competency 10.3, 13.4).  I presented my information to the CI 4000 class in terms of "tasks" that I found on websites such as modifying a classroom so that it is easier for Autistic students to feel comfortable (Tech. Competency 11.3, 12.4, 12.5, 13.1, 13.2).
This exercise has been crucial in forming my understanding of how cognitive disorder students develop and what is "normal" for learning disabled students.  Because of this project, I feel more confident in teaching students who are Autistic, Dyslexic, learning disabled, or Academically Gifted in accordance with the trends in the way they learn, develop, and process information (INTASC Standard 2, 9).
Because this project was a part of a bigger project on ESL students, behavioral disorders, and cognitive disorders, our CI 4000 class has gained insight from each other and professionals in the area on these facets of classroom teaching (INTASC Standard 10).