Katie Hyatt, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Name:  This children's Literature Database on the web includes books that I have summarized, included possible future lessons and provided full bibliographical information for. 

Context:  I explored, used, and added to this site in the Spring semester of 2002 as a part of  Literature in the Elementary School in the Elementary Education block at Appalachian State University. 

Impact:  This database can assist teachers in choosing literature for children.  Within that literature, fifth grade students will be able to expand and refine their vocabulary ( 1.01-1.03), choose quality literature for themselves (1.05), apply strategies and skills to comprehend text (Goal 2).

Alignment:  By using this database, teachers can access resources for planning instruction (Tech. Competency 10.3, 12.3) and evaluate an select resources from which to teach (Tech. Competency 10.6).  Literature selections include all reading levels (INTASC Standard 3) and are appropriate for choosing material for special needs children and children who struggle with English (Tech. Competency 13.1,13.2,13.3).

The literature database is a collection of resources that pre-service teachers, including myself, have evaluated for curriculum content and provided instructional ideas for (INTASC Standard 1).  It is a resource that enriches the teacher's knowledge about literature, thereby broadening the knowledge base of the class (INTASC Standard 6) and since the database is added to constantly the teacher is able to continually learn new books that other teachers have found helpful (INTASC Standard 9).