by Taylor Morrison
Lesson 1
Page 1 ("A family of cheetahs rises with the morning sun.") to page 9 ("The mother cheetah shows her cubs. . .")
Your job as
the Discussion Director is to come up with 5 thinking questions. You really
want to make your group to think about what you all have just read. You
are trying to make sure everyone in your group understands or comprehends
the reading. It is very important that you ask your group fat, juicy, thinking
questions and not easy, right there, in the book questions.
1. Write a question for each of the following question types:
Your job as Character Sketcher is to identify a character's goal (which is what the character wants to do or accomplish), identify the problem and solution in the reading, and complete a sketch or illustration of the character. You need to be aware that the character traits you will choose will be implied character traits. In other words, they are not directly stated in the section of the book that you are reading. In this case, you will need to come up with a possible solution for your character's problem.
Complete a Character Sketch of Duma:
1. Write
3 traits about her
2. Write her goal in the story.
3. Write her problemin the story.
4. Write
a possible solution.
Pick out the passage you would like to share with your group. The passage you pick should be meaningful and can relate to you in some way. The passage should stand out to you and contribute something to the story as a whole.
Complete the following tasks:
1. Find 1 of each kind of the following passages:
4. Explain why the passage is that type.
5. Create a good thinking question about the passage.
Word Wizard
Your job as the Word Wizard is to identify words in the story that are complex or words that you are not too sure of the meaning. These words should be words that stand out to you either by not understanding the meaning or by how they contribute to the story itself.
1. Find the word frantically in
the story.
2. Write down the word and page number
that the word is on.
3. Copy the sentence in which the word
4. Decide what part of speech the word
5. Look up the word in the dictionary,
and, in your own words, write the definition.
6. Decide what this word means to the
story. Why is it important?
7. Make a Word Wizard Card with the
page # and paragraph # on one side and an illustration of the word and
the definition on the other.
Your job is to read the last page of the
book. By reading this page, you will learn a lot about cheetahs and why
and where they are endangered. Give all the information you can and share
it with the group.