Copyright 2006 Amanda Burleson, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C. by Standards

Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Alignment By IRA Standards




The first artifact is comprised of two examinations taken in Teaching Beginning Readers and Writers.

RE 5100 Midterm

RE 5100 Final

Context: The focus of Teaching Beginning Readers and Writers taken with Dr. Robert Schlagal, was understanding how to assess and best teach beginning readers and writers and offer support to struggling readers. The lectures and theory based assigned readings focused on many different strategies for helping struggling readers.  Some major concepts that were addressed in this class were fluency and it’s importance, how to foster and develop student reading fluency using taped re-readings, instructional level rereading and graphing, and Reader’s Theatre; comprehension strategies using the Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)/Direct Reading Listening Activity (DLTA) which utilize cyclical process of prediction, read stop prove/disprove predictions based on information from the text; balanced literacy approach to teaching beginning readers and writers and the importance of including teaching literature and phonics; types of materials that support balanced literacy including leveled readers beginning with wordless picture books and including books with predictable pattern and picture support; imitation and close imitation and the support it gives children in attempt to master the elements of story in reading and story writing, imitation and close imitation allow students to borrow thoughts and replicate them; accurate finger-pointing and its important role in reading; guided reading/teacher directed reading strategies; and the importance of assessments and early identification for students who are struggling to learn to read, including specific assessment instruments that gauge alphabet recognition and productions, concept of word, spelling and both decodable and non-decodable words.  In conjunction with the lectures and readings in class, I completed two exams, one at midterm and then a final exam.  These exams demonstrate my consolidation of what I learned from lectures and theory based readings in this class and give a more thorough description and understanding of strategies for teaching beginning reading and writing.


Impact: I gained knowledge and strategies about teaching beginning readers and writers, as well as ways to support struggling readers.  As a reading teacher in a school wide Title I program, I work with students K-8.  Dr. Schlagal’s lectures, in class videos, and outside of class theory based reading, addressed topics that I could apply directly into my work as a reading teacher.  Most all strategies, I could apply directly to the population with which I am working or reinforced strategies that I was currently using in my teaching.



Standard A: Instructional Expertise: 

Responses on both my midterm and final of Teaching Beginning Readers and Writers, demonstrate my acquisition of well developed theoretical and philosophically based practices in educational research.  Concepts that I acquired while taking this class enabled me as a reading teacher, to take my learning and apply it directly into my teaching.  I had more strategies and knowledge concerning selection of materials, monitoring student learning for indications of progress and adjusted my instruction accordingly.


Standard B: Knowledge of Learners

Although Teaching Beginning Readers and Writers is a class mostly designed to address the needs of the K-2 reader, many of the reading strategies I implemented into my teaching, I could use with other members of the population I serve.  I implemented many of the research based reading strategies when providing reading instruction to students who are English Language Learners and to students in grades 3-8, not just K-2.  Although I utilize some of the same strategies for all learners, I modify instruction based on developmental appropriateness as well as foster a supportive environment where the student feels successful.


Standard D:  Content Knowledge

My responses on the midterm and final exam in Teaching Beginning Readers and Writers, demonstrates my depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of educational research findings and trends in education and the ability to apply it directly into my reading instruction.