Copyright 2006, Amanda Burleson, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

Home Page

Cover Page

T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by Standards

Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8  

Alignment By IRA Standards



 These artifacts were developed as a part of a multi-genre project.

Table of Contents

I am a Kentucky Rifle

Showmanship and Entertainment

Why I Chose Annie Oakley

A Testament to Love




Character #1 and #2

Sitting Bull

Aim High Quote

Annotated Bibliography

Buffalo Bill Cody

Birth Certificate

Annie Oakley PowerPoint which shows the scrapbook and ammunition case used to present researched information

A Place to Fill

Sales Receipt



Invitation to students for multi-genre project

Student Research Assignment

Student rubric for multi-genre project

Reflection on multi-genre project


Context:  While taking Teaching the Language Arts, taught by Dr. Beth Frye, I created a multi-genre project about Annie Oakley.  After reading an article about multi-genre projects, as assigned reading, I realized the purpose for these special research projects.  Multi-genre projects allow students hands-on creativity when researching a person, place or event.  Instead of students researching a topic and then writing a paper about it, multi-genre projects help students assimilate information in a cohesive manner across a variety of formats and genres.  When students have ownership and interest in what they are doing they are usually more invested in their learning.  Using a variety of formats to demonstrate content knowledge is more appealing to a range of different learners and taps into student’s multiple intelligences while producing a product that involves research.

          I chose to do my multi-genre project about Annie Oakley.  By going through the process of creating a multi-genre project, I could understand what it would feel like as a learner to actually do the research this way.  I discovered, after I chose my topic, I became enthralled with the research.  Annie Oakley lived during a time period with a great deal of change. Every fact or connection to events would leave me wanting to know more, spurring me to do more in depth research.  Once I gathered my information, I then tried to think about what kind of cohesive unifying format that I would use to present the project.  I decided to present my project by using a scrapbook because Annie Oakley made many scrapbooks of her achievements and decided to present the information I found about Annie Oakley using objects that represented her, which I placed in an ammunition box.  As I was creating the scrapbook, I consolidated my research into information I could use in the scrapbook.  By going through the process, I not only have a model for my students, and also understand better that creating a project like this one is a richer, deeper learning experience that requires higher order thinking capabilities and allows for creativity, unlike a typical research paper.  In addition, I created a research invitation and rubric to for students to research contemporaries/ issues during the time period in which Annie Oakley lived.


Impact:   I have not had the opportunity to use this research method in my teaching thus far.  While putting this project together, I utilized the skills of the media specialist at the school in which I teach.  Because of her background in libraries and with bookbinding, she helped me to bind my Annie Oakley scrapbook.  While she was helping me with the binding aspect of the project, I described to her the purpose of the multi-genre projects and gained knowledge about myself as a learner going through the process.  Kathy, the media specialist, was so intrigued by the idea of approaching research through a variety of formats and genres.  She wants to create a mini-course where middle school mini-course students research and use the multi-genre approach. 


Standard A: Instructional Expertise

The multi-genre project demonstrates my ability to implement and evaluate best reading practices that emerge from educational reading research and integrate literacy across the curriculum.  The multi-genre artifact and subsequent research initiation and student rubric exhibit my expertise in incorporating educational reading literature findings into school and classroom strategies to improve student learning and foster a love of literature and research.


Standard B:  Knowledge of Learners

The multi-genre project is created for the purpose of a hand-on approach to research, where students actually have to transform their research into cohesive description of their topic presenting learning across a variety of genres and formats.   When learners transform information and apply it in their daily lives, true learning is taking place.  This project is designed to reach many different students styles of learning.  All students research a topic that they are interested in, which fosters student learning and aids in maintaining a classroom environment where learners feel welcome and are successful, no matter their level.


Standard C:  Research

I used current educational research to improve student effectiveness and achievement by completing this multi-genre project.  This project was designed as a means to create more excitement and interest in the educational setting by opening up the presentation of research into a variety of formats and genres, as apposed to simply asking students to write a research paper.