Student Engagement

* My Book Critique: During my graduate class, Advanced Study of Children's Literature, taught by Dr. Green, I was required to read a variety of books and write a critique for each one of them. I choose to include one that received the Jane Adams Award. Girl Wonder was a fantastic book that I shared with one of my previous students, who is now in high school. She loved the book and saw a lot of herself within the character of Alta

* Student's Book Critique: This artifact shows book critique's completed by two 5th grade students. They used my book critique that I completed in Dr. Green's class as a guideline. They completed the critique from the book that they are currently reading in Language Arts class.

* Fire Presentation: The month of October is national Fire Safety month. I came up with the idea of having my fifth grade inclusion class do a presentation on a fire rule. This presentation was video taped and then presented over the TV system in our school. 

* Fire Presentation Rubric: This is the rubric that I gave to my students when I first introduced the fire presentation. They worked within a group and made sure that they followed all guidelines to get a good grade.

* My Author Study: During my graduate class, Advanced Study of Children's Literature, taught by Dr. Green, I was required to do an author study. Sherrie Jones and I decided on Jack Prelutsky. We both loved poetry and thought that Jack Prelutsky would be interesting to research. We got a lot of our information from the books located at Appalachian State's library. We used a variety of poems to share the data that we collected. 

* Class Book: During my graduate class, Teaching the language arts, taught by Dr. Ulmer, we looked at a different ways to make a class book. She shared The Most Important Book written by Margaret Wise Brown. We discussed ways to allow students in our classroom to make their own book. This is an example of the books my student's wrote in my 4th grade inclusion class.

    *part one

    *part two

    *part three

    *part four

* Multi-Genre Project: Dr. Ulmer gave me many ideas on how to incorporate a multi-genre project into my EC classroom. She shared some wonderful examples and gave us instructions on how to use it with our grade level and area of specialty. I created this Multi-genre project to use with my 5th grade inclusion students. This was given to them during their Social Studies class and they worked on it during class time.

* Multi-Genre Project Rubric It is very important to give students a rubric for a project. This lets them know what they have to complete to achieve a certain grade. I made it very simple clear to follow.