ETSI Advanced Competency Collection
Ellen Nichole Leggins

Appalachian State University
Home Page

Cover Page

T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by Competency

 Integrated Unit Plan

Media Literacy Web Page

Software Evaluation

Inquiry Project

Portrait of a Learner

Classroom Plan

News Analysis

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies


Portrait of a Learner

This is a study of a child in which my goal was to become educated about how they learn as an individual.  Through assessments, lessons, activities, resources, interviews, and observations, I learned about how I would adapt and modify my own curriculum as teacher if this child was placed in my own classroom.  An example of this is an e-mail correspondence I had with one of my professors about my student and what necessary changes or alterations would be needed in one activity (12.3).  In my learning about my portrait student, I consulted varying media such as cable television and computer software to help aid his learning processes (13.2).  Part of this project involved creating a video about my discoveries that would portray my portrait student and their learning to my professors (12.2).  However, in order to document my student, I had to first gain permission of his involvement from his parents through a consent form for child protection purposes (14.1).