Liz Link, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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ISTE National Educational Technology Standards

INTASC Principles



Rationale: WEBQUEST


This webquest was created in my Literacy and Technology class at Appalachian State University during the Fall Semester of 2001. Students that are getting ready to teach are introduced to the progressive learning that Webquests provide. Technology is a useful tool and creating a Webquest helped me a great deal with having an idea for what I can create in my future classroom/s.
As I created this Webquest I was excited to ponder how much fun my students would have in my class if they knew that there was an innovative way to learn a lesson in school. These Webquests are so exciting to children because they are different and have a high success rate.Also, the Webquests include a high number of curriculum standards from various subjects that can be accomplished. Some examples from the Webquest that I did the Fall of 2001 are below:
Curriculum Standards: The following competency goals are addressed in this Webquest: 
          Second grade Social Studies:

           10.2 Distinguish between wants and needs 
           11.1 Identify economic resources in neighborhoods 

          Second grade Mathematics 

           1.07 Group objects in ones, tens and hundreds and record in standard form. 
           2.09 Read Fahrenheit thermometers in increments in ones, twos and fives and record results. 

          Second grade Science

           2.01 Describe weather by measurable quantities 
                Wind direction 
                Wind speed 
           2.02 Assess weather changes from day to day and over the seasons 

          Second grade Healthful Living

           1.02 Identify behaviors that promote personal health 
           5.01 Conclude that foods provide nutrients, which maintain and promote health 
           5.02 Identify the serving sizes and number of daily servings needed from each group of the Food
           Guide Pyramid 

          Second grade Computer/Technology Skills 

           1.1 Identify uses of technology in the community. (SI) 
           2.1 Identify essential computer terms. (SI) 
           2.4 Use word processing to enter, save, print and to retrieve text.(KU/WP/DTP) 
           2.5 Use electronic databases to locate information. (DB) 
           In addition to these competencies, teamwork can be used if the teacher desires, inference
           making,observation,categorization, and comparison are all skills that are implemented in this


Throughout my teaching career I plan to create a variety of Webquests for various subjects and areas so that my students will have a different resource for lessons besides lecture or the basic ways of teaching. Planning the lessons on a Webquest will actively engage the students in learning. Also, Webquests are a good planning strategy for the homework that could be done online. (Tech Standard II. D.)  As the students are involved in the Webquest there is an assessment that the teacher looks at when grading what they learned, and whether their developmental level is beginner, developing, accomplished, or exemplary.
(Teach Standard IV. A)