Title Page
Literature Circle Lessons
Instructional Ideas & Extensions
Alignment to the North Carolina Standard
Course of Study
Art and Writing: Candy Inventions!
Willy Wonka has hired each student as a candy inventor
in the Chocolate Factory. Each student must create the next candy
item to be put on the market. Have the student draw their design
on paper and use art materials to make a three dimensional model. Then
have the students write a description of the candy including it's name
and ingredients.
Bulletin Board: Descriptive Drops!
Cover the board with brown paper and cut Hershey Kisses
drop shapes out of aluminum foil. Then give each student a white
strip of paper for the kisses tags. The students will write an adjective
or an adjective phrase describing chocolate. Put the kisses on the board.
Math: Chocolate Party!
Bring a few bags of M&M's to class. Give each
child a handful of either M&M's. The students should separate
their candy pieces into groups and then create a graph using only their
pieces. Have the students break into pairs and compare data.
Then have them make predictions on what the class graph might look like.
Create a classroom graph based on the individual student's graphs. Using
that information have the students make predictions on what is found in
most bags of candy.
Modifications for Students with Special Needs.
section is divided into reading abilities. Chocolate
Fever is for students below grade level in reading. Chocolate
Touch is for students at an average reading level. And Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory is for students above grade level reading.
If a child still struggles provide the book on tape.