CHOCOLATE:  How Sweet It Is
Emily Abernethy and Alicia Baldwin
Title Page


Literature Circle Lessons



Instructional Ideas & Extensions

Alignment to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study


Launch:  This is a great unit to read when celebrating Valentine's Day!  Begin this unit by reading aloud, Wellington's Chocolatey Day, by Mick Inkpen.  Have a class discussion recalling events, and characters from the book. 

Activity #1:  Have students find the web site for KidzTown on the Hershey's web site (  They can explore the site, go on a virtual factory tour, answer quiz questions, or play games.  This activity should take about 15-20 minutes.  After they have explored the site, ask students to write a short paper describing something new that they learned about chocolate. 

Activity #2:  Help students understand the media's power in advertising.  Discuss the four different types of advertising and be sure to show examples of chocolate advertisements from magazines or newspapers. They are: 

  • Testimonial - an important or famous person endorses the product
  • Bandwagon - the buyer is urged to join the winning team; don't be left out
  • Vanity/Transfer - using the product will make you popular, beautiful, cool, etc.
  • Scientific - scientific research is used to endorse the product
Write the four categories on the board and ask students to place the advertisements that you bring in under the correct category.  Have students explain why each ad fits into the chosen category.  Divide students into pairs and have each pair create an ad for a new chocolate product using one of the four techniques.  Student pairs can present their ads and the class can try to guess which technique each pair used.