Louis Sachar Unit

Molly Carlberg, Liz Link, and Emily Morgan

Title Page


Literature Circle Lessons



Instructional Ideas & Extensions

Alignment to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study


Section 1: Marvin Redpost:  Alone in His Teacher's House (page 1-21)
Section 2: Marvin Redpost:  Alone in His Teacher's House (page 22-43)
Section 3: Marvin Redpost:  Alone in His Teacher's House (page 44-66)
Section 4: Marvin Redpost:  Class President (page 1-20)
Section 5: Marvin Redpost:  Class President (page 21-41)
Section 6: Marvin Redpost:  Class President (page 42-67)
Section 7: Marvin Redpost:  Why Pick on Me? (page 1-24)
Section 8: Marvin Redpost:  Why Pick on Me? (page 25-44)
Section 9: Marvin Redpost:  Why Pick on Me? (page 45-64)
Section 10:  Marvin Redpost:  Why Pick on Me?  (page 65-end)