Jackie Thomas and Tonya Hamby |
Ideas & Extensions
Alignment to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study |
Grade: North Carolina Satndard Course of Study
Comtetency Goal 1: The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.
1.03 Integrate prior experiences and all
sources of
1.04 Increase sight vocabulary, reading vocabulary, and
1.05 Use word reference materials (e.g., dictionary,
1.06 Read independently daily from self-selected
increase fluency.
Goal 2: The learner will apply strategies
and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.
2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after
setting a purpose.
2.03 Read a variety of texts, including:
fiction (short stories, novels, fantasies, fairy tales,
2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and
author’s purpose.
2.05 Draw conclusions, make generalizations, and
2.06 Summarize main idea(s) from written or spoken
2.07 Explain choice of reading materials congruent
2.08 Listen actively by:
facing the speaker.
Goal 3:The learner will make connections through
the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.
considering the differences among genres.
3.02 Identify and discuss similarities and differences in
3.03 Use text and own experiences to verify facts,
Goal 4:The learner will apply strategies and
skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
4.02 Use oral and written language to:
present information in a sequenced, logical
4.03 Share written and oral products in a variety of
4.04 Use planning strategies (with assistance) to
4.05 Identify (with assistance) the purpose, the
4.06 Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and
4.07 Compose a variety of fiction, nonfiction, poetry,
4.08 Focus reflection and revision (with assistance) on
clarifying ideas.
4.09 Produce work that follows the conventions of
4.10 Explore technology as a tool to create a written
Goal 5: The learner will apply grammar and
language conventions to communicate effectively.
5.02 Use correct subject/verb agreement.
5.03 Demonstrate understanding by using a variety of
5.04 Compose two or more paragraphs with:
topic sentences.
5.05 Use a number of strategies for spelling (e.g., sound
5.06 Proofread own writing for spelling and correct
5.07 Edit (with assistance) to use conventions of written
5.08 Create readable documents with legible
Goal 1: The learner will apply enabling strategies
and skills to read and write.
1.02 Infer word meanings from taught roots, prefixes,
1.03 Identify key words and discover their meanings
1.04 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:
wide reading.
1.05 Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary,
1.06 Read independently daily from self-selected
increase fluency.
Goal 2: The learner will apply strategies
and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.
2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after
setting a purpose using prior knowledge and text
2.03 Read a variety of texts, including:
fiction (legends, novels, folklore, science fiction).
2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and
2.05 Make inferences, draw conclusions, make
2.06 Summarize major points from fiction and nonfiction
Goal 3: The learner will make connections
with text through the use of oral language, written language, and media
and technology.
analyzing the impact of authors’ word choice and
3.02 Analyze characters, events, and plots from
3.03 Consider the ways language and visuals bring
Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies
and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.
4.02 Use oral and written language to:
present information and ideas in a clear, concise
4.03 Make oral and written presentations using visual
4.04 Share self-selected texts from a variety of genres
4.05 Use planning strategies to generate topics and
4.06 Compose a draft that conveys major ideas and
4.07 Compose fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama
4.08 Focus revision on a specific element such as:
word choice.
4.09 Produce work that follows the conventions of
4.10 Use technology as a tool to gather, organize, and
Goal 5: The learner will apply grammar and
language conventions to communicate effectively.
5.02 Demonstrate understanding in speaking and writing
5.03 Elaborate information and ideas in writing and
simple and compound sentences.
5.04 Compose multiple paragraphs with:
topic sentences.
5.05 Use visual (orthography) and meaning-based
5.06 Proofread and correct most misspellings
5.07 Use established criteria to edit for language
5.08 Demonstrate evidence of language cohesion by:
logical sequence of fiction and nonfiction retells.
5.09 Create readable documents through legible
Third Grade:
Informational Skills
1.02 Demonstrate competence and self motivation as a
1.03 Demonstrate appropriate care of resources. 1.04. Acknowledge ownership of ideas. 1.05 Identify elements of composition. 1.06 Identify characteristics of various genres.
1.07 Follow acceptable use policy (AUP/IUP) for
1.08 Select and use independently, both within and
1.09 Recognize that ideas are produced in a variety of
1.10 Identify characteristics and advantages of various
1.11 Explore primary and secondary sources. Competency
Goal 2: The learner will IDENTIFY and USE
criteria for excellence to evaluate information and formats.
2.02 Apply identified criteria to select resources.
2.03 Recognize the diversity of ideas and thoughts by
2.04 Develop and express personal criteria for selecting
Goal 3: The learner will RELATE ideas and
information to life experiences.
3.02 Collect and compare information about diverse
3.03 Identify bias and stereotypes.
3.04 Relate cultural similarities and differences to
3.05 Describe how information and ideas are influenced
Goal 4: The learner will EXPLORE and USE research
processes to meet information needs.
Goal 5: The learner will COMMUNICATE reading,
listening, and viewing experiences.
Grade: Informational Skills
1.02 Demonstrate competence and self motivation as a
1.03 Demonstrate appropriate care of resources. 1.04 Acknowledge ownership of ideas. 1.05 Identify elements of composition. 1.06 Identify characteristics of various genres.
1.07 Follow acceptable use policy (AUP/IUP) for
1.08 Select and use independently, both within and
1.09 Recognize that ideas are produced in a variety of
1.10 Identify characteristics and advantages of various
1.11 Explore primary and secondary sources. Competency
Goal 3: The learner will RELATE ideas and
information to life experiences.
3.02 Collect and compare information about diverse
3.03 Identify bias and stereotypes.
3.04 Relate cultural similarities and differences to
Goal 4: The learner will EXPLORE and USE research
processes to meet information needs.
4.02 Describe several research models.
4.03 Develop a search strategy which includes the
4.04 Follow acceptable use guidelines (AUP/IUP) in
4.05 Gather information. 4.06 Comply with the Copyright Law (P. L. 94-553). 4.07 Organize and use information. 4.08 Credit sources of information.
4.09 Present information in a variety of formats (print,
4.10 Evaluate the product.