Anna Edge, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact Two
Video Permission Form is an informative tool, which allows the teacher to communicate with parents.  This permission form is an explanation of the purpose of video taping students and a written request for the parent’s permission to video or audio tape or photograph the students.  These sources of student information will provide learning experiences with and opportunities to use technology in the classroom.

I used Microsoft Word to create this permission form during my Block at Appalachian State University and my Intern experience at Beech Mountain Elementary School.  I created this permission form as a sample form that I would use in my classroom.  It is an example of the forms that were sent home, to parents, with students from Beech Mountain Elementary during Fall 2000 block.  These forms requested parent’s permission to make records of students, using video or audiotapes or photography, for personal learning purposes.  This form introduces me to the parents and explains that I am requesting their permission to document their children in order to further my knowledge of students at this grade level, including their interests, development, and the influence of media in their lives. 

Permission forms serve as a method of communication between teachers and parents concerning a variety of classroom and field trip experiences that require written parental consent.  This particular permission form allows teachers to request parent permission to video or audio tape or photograph students, and explain that the purpose is to provide additional experiences to further my knowledge and improve my teaching methods.

This permission form is designed to protect the rights of students.  The form requests parental consent to video or audiotape or photograph students.  Parental consent is required to meet the legal and ethical issues that are related to particular forms of technology.  This written permission form enables teachers to tape or photograph only those students whose parents have signed the form in compliance with the request.  An explanation should be given to the students, upon receiving the permission form to take home, stating the purpose of the taping or photographing.  It should also be explained that it is necessary to get parent’s permission so that the students’ rights are protected.  Thus, teaching students the guidelines for proper use of technology (Tech. Competency 14.3).  I created this permission form by using a permission form from Fall 2000 Block, as a reference.  I properly cited this source of information, as I created a link from my web page to the page where the source can be found.  I would use this citation as a model to demonstrate to students how to properly cite references.  I would discuss the copyright guidelines with the students and explain that the guidelines are laws that must be complied with when using other people’s work.  In doing this, students would have an example to follow and they would develop an understanding of the copyright law (Tech. Competency 14.1).