Anna Edge, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact 7
Lesson Plans used to locate information on ways to meet the needs of diverse learners through technology.

I used the Internet in my Foundations 3100 class at Appalachian State University to search for lesson plans that would help me meet diverse learning needs.  I located an Eric database that features lesson plans that have been submitted by teachers who found the lessons to be educational and enjoyable for students.  This site can be found at

The lesson plans on the Eric database cover a range of diverse learning needs.  I chose an art lesson entitled Pebble Painting, which allows students who have difficulty expressing themselves to do so through Art.  This lesson provides opportunities for students to find alternate modes of expression and use their creative minds.  Teachers may find this to be a valuable lesson as some students are harder to reach than others.  Art activities may present a way for teachers and students to connect.

The Eric database has a wide range of lesson plans and activities that offer multitudes of information and creative ideas to teachers.  The various lesson plans, that cover a large quantity of instructional methods, will help teachers meet the needs of diverse learners (Tech. Competency 13.4).