Mary Teague, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Story Pictures: An online lesson for a third grade Language Arts class. The web page gives students instructions on how to do the lesson with a link for teachers, which includes a list of what Standard Course Curriculum the activity meets. 
I developed this online lesson in my Integrating Media and Technology class in January 2001 at Appalachian State University. I used Netscape Composer to create a web page with instructions and pictures needed to complete the sequencing activity.
This lesson would be used in a third grade Language Arts class. It meets North Carolina Standard Course of Study Competencies in both the Language Arts and Computer/ Technology curriculum. This activity would be used to integrate Language Arts and Computer Skills. This is an effective way to use technology for communication and learning. This activity is a way for teachers to target different learning styles so that they accommodate all their students.
This web page includes instructions needed for students to create a word process document using a creative sequence of the random pictures. This activity meets several Language Arts Curriculum Standards by creating a piece of fiction and revising it with help. Along with these, students are also meeting Computer Skills Curriculum Standards by writing, retrieving, and revising a word-processed document and obtaining information from the Internet.  (Tech competency 10.4) In order to plan this activity, I had to access the Computer Skills Curriculum for the third grade so that I would know what students that age would be responsible for knowing. (Tech competency 10.1) This assignment will help prepare students to be assessed on their computer skills by giving them practice using and editing a word-processed document. (Tech competency 10.5) This online lesson also allows the teacher to use a variety of teaching styles by letting the World Wide Web instruct the students while doing their activity. The students have to problem solve and use critical thinking when deciding the order they want the pictures and when writing their picture story. (INTASC #4) This online activity can be used as a communication tool between the teacher and the students. The teacher does not have to ”talk” to them about what to do but instead can let the web page be the communication for her/him. (Tech Competency 11.1) Since this web page can be used as a communication tool, it must present the Language Arts subject in a way that will be comprehensible for the students using it.  The instructions for creating the fictional picture story are displayed in a way that the students using it will know what they are doing and what it ties into. (Tech Competency 11.2) This activity uses technology for the teaching, instructions on the World Wide Web, and for students’ expression, their product is a word-processed document that they created. (Tech competency 12.7)