Mary Teague, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Classroom Management- A discussion of classroom environment and management and a classroom design.

I created this classroom design of my ideal class and wrote up my idea of class environment and management for my Curriculum & Instruction class February 2001 at Appalachian State University. I drew up my design and wrote up my ideas of class environment and management on a word-processed document. 

The class design and write up of ideas for management and environment gave me an opportunity to really think about how I wanted my class to be and how I was going to manage 20-30 children relying on me for seven hours a day five days a week for 180 days a year. I now have some idea of how I am going to set up my class, make the environment comfortable and respectful for my students, and how I can direct and discipline my students in a way that will build their responsibility and self-confidence.

My class design has desks set up in a way that will work for both individual work and group work. There is also space for four centers that can be used for group work. I have a space set as carpet area that can be used for whole class projects. My class will not be one in which I talk and students listen. There will be plenty of time set apart for students to be involved in their learning and to collaborate with others. Students will also be responsible for their behavior. I discussed in my write up that I plan to have a reward system set up. Rewards will be given for improvement and good behavior and taken away for not following directions and breaking of other rules. Students will be responsible for knowing the class rules and sticking to them. (Tech competency 12.5) I also discussed as part of my class environment and management that I plan to promote positive social interactions between students by motivating my students in a way that will build self and group motivation in my students. I will foster the kind of environment where students respect themselves and others by first respecting my students and myself. (INTASC #5) I plan to use verbal and non-verbal positive communication with my students to install a supportive interacting environment in my class. Verbally I can give directions positively by saying, “Walk” instead of “Don’t Run”. Non-verbally I can show my students that I am interested and care about what they have to say by my facial expressions and body language when they are talking to me. (INTASC #6