Mary Teague, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

Artifact # 13

Artifact # 14

Artifact # 15

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Computer Sign-up Sheet- A sign-up sheet for use of computers in the classroom. 

I created this sign-up sheet in the summer 2000 while taking a computer class at Appalachian State University. I created it on Microsoft Word using the table feature.

This sign-up sheet can be used to ensure that all students are receiving equal time at the computers in the class. It has spaces for name, date, time in and time out. Students would be required to fill this information in every time they used the classroom computers. The teacher would be able to easily look at the sign up sheet and see if someone is using the computers too much or too little.

It is the teacher’s responsibility to keep up with who is spending time on the classroom computers. All students deserve and need time at these computers. The sign up sheet will help the teacher keep up with who needs to spend more and less time on the computers. (Tech competency 14.2)