I have divided three books about Abe Lincoln's life into eight different sections. Each section will take approximately two days to complete. The first day of every section the students will be reading the assigned pages and planning their jobs that they will also be assigned. Everyday the lesson will have a discussion director, passage picker, word wizard, character sketcher, and one other job that I will choose. The students will hopefully complete their roles on the first day so I can grade their work before they have their discussion on the following day. If they aren't able to complete their jobs during class time, the students will finish the assignment for homework. I will check the work when the students bring it in the following day. On the second day of each section, the students will discuss with the group the jobs they were assigned. There will be five students in each group, and each of them will spend approximately 5-8 minutes discussing the role they worked on the day before.
One Grade Level Below Fifth Grade
The books we will be reading are:
Young Abe Lincoln
Lincoln Goes to Washington
Where Lincon Walked
Literture Circle Lessons
Section 1
Young Abe Lincoln (Pages 1-15)
Section 2
Young Abe Lincoln (Pages 16-12)
Section 3
Abe Lincoln Goes to Washington (Pages 1-23)
Section 4
Abe Lincoln Goes to Washington (Pages 26-44)
Section 5
Where Lincoln Walked (Pages 1-15)
Section 6
Where Lincoln Walked (Pages 16-24)
Section 7
Where Lincoln Walked (25-33)
Section 8
Where Lincoln Walked (34-45)