Melissa Brooks, RCOE, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

 Artifact #1

Artifact # 2

Artifact # 3

Artifact # 4

Artifact # 5

Artifact # 6

Artifact # 7

Artifact # 8

Artifact # 9

Artifact # 10

Artifact # 11

Artifact # 12

NC ETSI Advanced Competencies

INTASC Principles


Artifact Four
Unit Plan based on Computer Software used to help Third grade students broaden their knowledge on Oceans as well as further skill development in working with computer software and creative expression activities.  Through this unit, students participate in a launch activity to focus their attention on what they know about ocean life. They are then allowed to explore the Microsoft Oceans Software.  Subsequently, they are required to manipulate the software to find out more about specific aspects of ocean life. 

This unit plan was created using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Oceans Software.  I created these lesson plans with a partner as a part of an FDN-3100 class (classroom use of microcomputers) at Appalachian State University.  This unit plan utilizes computer software to help students develop a stronger knowledge base on Ocean life. Students manipulate computer software entitled Microsoft Oceans as a main part of this unit. They must utilize their skills in website navigation and word processing to be successful with this unit.  This lesson also allows teachers to target the learning styles of students who learn more effectively through hands-on activities.

The activities in this lesson plan unit can be utilized in a variety of ways. Teachers can use either the whole unit plan or portions of the plan to focus on various elements of student learning.  This unit provides teachers with an effective way to introduce an interesting topic in a non-traditional way, via computer software. This unit also gives students the opportunity to further develop their skills with word processing and computer navigation. They are also expected to implement the language arts skills of writing and creative thinking as they create narratives and art products to share with classmates what they have learned about Ocean life.  This unit corresponds with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study as follows: Language Arts Competencies(3.6, 4.3, 4.4) and Computer Skills Competencies (2.3, 3.2 ).

This unit plan helps students work on skills that they are required to meet by the NC Computer Skills Curriculum (Tech. Competency 10.4).  The specific skills met by this lesson are stated above. This practice in working with these computer skills will help students become better prepared for the NC Computer Skills Assessment that they will be expected to master in the 8th grade.  As a part of assessing student understanding during this Ocean unit, the teacher would have students word process the answers to a questionnaire, focusing on important ideas and concepts found in the Oceans software. Students learning should be further assessed by checking for accuracy in their worksheet answers, to evaluate student understanding of navigating the software program. (Tech. Competency 10.5).  As a part of this unit plan, students are expected to manipulate Microsoft Oceans Software and answer several sets of questions based on the knowledge they gain from the software program. This unit integrates students' Language Arts skills (writing) with Computer skills (navigation and word processing) and Science (Ocean life).  (Tech. Competency 12.7).  Teachers can use this lesson plan unit to present information to students in a non-traditional way; making learning about oceans and computers more interesting.  As students receive information about the topic through telecommunications and are allowed to work collaboratively to investigate ocean life, they are much more apt to really learn the information.  When utilizing this Unit Plan, a teacher is using what he/she knows about communicating information to students through media to foster active investigation and interaction within a classroom (INTASC #6).