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References |
List of Resource Web Sites
for Teachers and Parents of Learning Disabled Children:
Can be used to so that teachers can find information about the different
kinds of learning disabilities and how they can help students with them
in the classroom. The web sites would also be useful to parents so
that they will know what to expect from their children in the school setting.
This list of web sites was developed during my pre-service training
at Appalachian State University during the Fall 2000.
Having a list of web sites that are available to teachers and parents
who have children with learning disabilities is a valuable resource.
These web pages offer information that would take a long time to find in
a book or magazine. Many of these web pages have further links to
more web sites that offer even more specific information. Some of
the web sites have a place where a question can be typed and it will search
for an answer. There are many ideas for teachers on how to identify children
that might be suffering from a disability. Once these are diagnosed,
teachers can use this resource to give them teacher- tips on how to help
these children in their own classroom. Finally, these web sites offer search
engines and other links that will take the teacher or parent to other web
sites that tell about services available to the special needs learner.
Teachers who use this list of web sites to assist them with learning
disabled children are using media and technology to support learning for
children with special needs (Tech Comp. 13.2).
The teacher is also using appropriate local, state, and national services
or resources to meet diverse learning needs through technology (Tech.
Comp. 13.4). When teachers use this list and make it available
to others they are promoting relationships with school colleagues, parents,
and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and
well-being (INTASC #10).