Kasey Owens, Reich College of Education, Appalachian State University

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T.O.C by Artifact

T.O.C. by  Tech Competency

T.O.C. by INTASC Principles

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ISTE National Educational Technology Standards

INTASC Principles


Media Ethnography

Context:  The Media Ethnography project was assignmed in my Integrating Media and Technology class in the fall of  2002.  We worked in groups to create a power point presentation focusing on the media influences in the school.

Impact:  This project served as an opportunity for me to see exactly how closely media affects the lives of students.  We saw a correlation between a child's idea of beauty and how this view was impacted by various mediums.  This project has made me aware of the importance of making our students aware of the effect that the media can have on them, as well as the need to talk to students about the impact of the media on our lives.

Alignment:  Data was collected by asking the students to draw pictures of something that was beautiful to them.  Then, students were asked to select the object or person they considered most beautiful based on pictures that were held up.  We found the pictures on the Internet and presented all of the information we had collected in a Power Point presentation (Tech Comp IV B).  This project has helped me to realize the positive and negative aspects of the media and I hope to convey that to my students (Tech Comp VI D).  Because we selected images from the internet, we referenced the sources in the presentation (Tech Comp VI A).